Chapel Happenings Fall 2019
Chapel Happenings Fall 2019
Dear Union Chapel Family,
It must be all the years we spend in school — but doesn’t it seem like the new year really starts in September, not January? In any event, there are some new “Chapel Happenings” that are taking place this fall that I want to share with you. Each one has the potential to take us in exciting new directions and strengthen our mission.
First, we are renewing our commitment to families here on the Island. Church school, led ably by Michele Klimczak, now takes place on Sunday mornings, with family-friendly elements in worship, including a children’s message. Yaritza Gello and I are launching some youth events for tweens and teens, starting with a movie on September 27. And for parents, we are piloting “The Meeting of the Moms” on September 26, a gathering to hear and discuss an excellent NPR/Sesame podcast on having difficult conversations with your children. All moms are welcome, along with grandmoms and dads!
For our Trustees and Deacons, a new structure in church leadership is being explored to help refresh and renew us for our call. The idea is to join both boards into a Council – the exact term for this group still being decided – which would enable us to unite behind our mission and enhance communication between leaders. We would also design meetings to involve less nuts and bolts which can be discussed after the meeting, and allow time for reflection and creativity about how we are shining Christ’s light into the world. Other United Church of Christ congregations have adopted this concept to great effect. Should we choose to move in this direction, we will do it as a pilot program.
On a personal note, I am looking forward to a time of renewal as I make plans for my first-ever sabbatical, a very special aspect of the pastoral package you provide at Union Chapel after five years of service. Thank you! My plans are to be away January 1 through the end of March, and am excited about the chance to delve deeply into areas of interest. Once my plans and the church’s plans for coverage in my absence are settled, we will let you know.
As Paul writes, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation” (II Cor 5:17a). Newness is God’s gift in a Christian’s life, but it is a gift intended also to be shared with the world. My goal is that whatever new thing God is doing in our church is quickly felt in our community in terms of new energy, new ideas, a more vibrant witness to those whose lives we touch. May each of you in your walk of faith find newness that brings joy and hope to you and to others –and may our world discover also the gift of new life in Christ that awaits their response.