AA and Al-Anon Meetings

AA and Al-Anon Meetings

AA of Fishers Island

For information about AA of Fishers Island, contact info@AAFINY.org.

There are weekly meetings on Saturday in the summer months,
and year-round meetings now taking place online.



Al-Anon meeting at All Souls Church, New London

Is someone’s drinking affecting you?
Al-Anon is a support group for family and friends of alcoholics.
All are welcome at the Al-Anon meeting that takes place
Friday evenings at 7 pm
at All Souls Church at 19 Jay Street in New London.

This meeting is in walking distance to the ferry.

There is no need to suffer alone.

Help is available.

Should you wish to speak with
Rev. Dr. Rosanna Anderson about your needs,
all inquiries will be kept strictly confidential.