Loading Events
  • STARTDec 15th - 5:30pm

  • ENDDec 15th - 7:30pm

  • VENUEUnion Chapel

Cookie Exchange and Christmas Movies

All families and friends are invited for this fun gathering!

Thanks to Mere Doyen and Amy Harris for organizing this special event!

Adults will exchange cookies and talk in Fellowship Hall while kids watch some festive movies, like “Charlie Brown Christmas,” “The Polar Express,” or “Elf” on the big screen in the sanctuary. The movie selection will be determined by the age range of students participating that day.

Kids are welcome to wear pjs, and we will have popcorn and snacks for everyone.


December 15
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm


Union Chapel
821 Cresent Ave, Fishers Island, NY, 06390, United States.
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